Direct instruction is a teacher-directed teaching method. This means that the teacher stands in front of a classroom and presents the information. The teachers give explicit, guided instructions to the students (Renard, 2019). Direct construction is comprised of six steps illustrated by the image below. This six-step method is designed to first set the stage for learning, and finally finish with assessing the progress shown. Benefits of this teaching method includes delivery of material to the learner, then monitoring of student outcomes to determine if effective. These simple steps help minimize any confusion in the learning process, as its crucial for learners to gain information that is useful. Moreover, this method is typically done quickly with a large amount of retention. Similar to the previous point, direct instruction has a defined goal with very clear objectives at each step.

The direct instruction approach does align with our pods chosen topic. This teaching method has proven to be quite versatile in delivering information effectively to the learner. This method allows for learners to quickly learn and retain information at their own pace. Our topic is focused on collaborative work frameworks and how they compare and contrast. Direct instruction can be implemented to educate the learner on our frameworks discussed, as well as present many scenarios to reinforce our ideas. Additionally, this approach is well-suited for our topic because we can set specific deliverables that need to be understood at a certain time, and then move forward the new material. Our topic can effectively be taught through guided instruction within a classroom environment. Our material/information doesn’t require any specific ways of teaching in order to deliver content to learners, that’s why direct instruction does fit well with our topic.
Please see below the Learning Blueprint document for Pod 10.
Renard, L. (2019, March 28). Direct instruction – A practical guide to effective teaching.
What is Direct Instruction? (n.d.).
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